Years ago, I approached my child's pediatrician with tears in my eyes and a primal scream lurking in my throat. My toddler was pushing all of my buttons and I was beyond frustrated. This doctor recommended Positive Discipline books for some simple solutions to my parenting struggles and I thought to myself, "not another darn book, ugh!" But I bought one book and read it. Then two. Then dozens. Then I signed up for intensive parenting and child development courses. Eventually, I ended up in grad school and here we are today - TAH DAH!
Positive Discipline taught me parenting skills that ACTUALLY WORKED, but are not common knowledge today. I've studied dozens of varied parenting skills methods, but the evidence-based methods of Positive Discipline stood the test of time through the phases of "new behaviors" my own kids presented.
I recently became a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and am bringing Positive Discipline to Colorado Springs and Southern Colorado. Check my Groups page for upcoming Positive Discipline training and join me for a fun and experiential way to learn effective parenting methods.
There are aspects to parenting today that often result in a sense of isolation: unwelcome advice, judgmental stares (you'd think people have never seen a meltdown in the checkout line before - sheesh!), moving away from supportive family or friends, and online groups filled with infighting and confusing advice. It is my belief and experience that learning and practicing parenting techniques with a group of parents in your community is both easier and more effective than reading "another darn book" in isolation.
If you would like to bring Positive Discipline training to your group, school, or church, please get in touch. If you would like to join one of my upcoming Positive Discipline training groups, please register on my Groups page. To learn more about Positive Discipline, click here.